In the book of Revelation chapter 13, we see another illustration describing the antichrist system. In this instance the word ” beast ” is used symbolically to represent a kingdom or nation (see Daniel 7 :23 ). When many people think about the beast in Bible prophecy , they picture some dreadful monster, but the reality is nothing more than the use of an animal to represent a country in the world today. There is an interesting description given in this chapter that pertains to this kingdom and that is the fact that it is both a religious and political institution. Looking back at Daniel 7 and verse 8 this same kingdom is portrayed as a “little” horn or power which shows that it would be significantly small in land mass or territory. Looking now at chapter 14 and verses 9 thru 11 of Revelation there is much warning against receiving a mark that is tied directly to the beast. Throughout our study so far we have been shown that the antichrist system is used as a substitute in place of Jesus Christ. Now we are given evidence that reveals why. It is for the purpose of receiving worship that is due only to Christ. We have already learned that our Lord has given many warnings to protect us from deception. He has employed a variety of symbollic illustrations in doing so. Another such example is in Revelation chapter 17, where we notice the word “woman” used to represent a church. Verse 3 says John saw a woman sitting on a scarlet colored beast and verse 7 reveals to us the beast that carries her. Since we learned earlier that a beast is simply a representation of a kingdom or government and a woman represents a church. What is being depicted is a church in control of a civil power. But this church is corrupt as is revealed by the fact that she is called a harlot and don’t miss this , verse 5 says she is the mother of other harlots which means there are other churches that hold on to and promote false teachings that proceeded from the mother church. Now going back to verse 12 of Revelation 14 we notice that the people who gain the victory over the beast and its mark are those that keep the commandments of God and have the faith of Jesus.