Acts 20 : 7 ( objection refuted )

In Acts chapter 20 and verse 7,  it says that on the first day of the week the disciples came together to break bread. Since this statement is recorded in the scriptures, should we conclude that the first day of the week (Sunday) is the day upon  which we are to meet together and break bread? In view of the fact that Acts chapter 2 and verse 46 shows us that the disciples broke bread “daily”, we can know that the answer to our question is, surely no. In order to understand the text that we are now looking at in Acts 20 : 7, we need to see that verse 8 tells us that there were many “lights” where they were meeting. We also see in verse 7 that Paul preached until “midnight”. Verse 11 reveals that when daybreak  occurred, Paul departed. Now it is easy to see that this meeting took place during the dark part of the day or after sundown and continued until daybreak. If we remember that during Bible times, a day was marked from evening to evening ( see Genesis 1 : 31), we will now know that the beginning of a day was at sunset as another day ended. Taking into consideration that our days are now reckoned from midnight (12 am) to midnight, and knowing that Paul preached during the dark part of the first day of the week until midnight,  everyone should now be able to see that Paul was preaching during the hours of the day that we now call Saturday night. Because Acts 20 : 7, is thought to be used in an attempt to undo God’s seventh – day Sabbath blessing, this really does more to establish God’s holy day because it shows the length that the devil will go to try and remove it.