Antichrist Exposed pg. 1

The question is often asked about the meaning of the word antichrist. Many people present many differing answers as to its meaning. Because of the confusion that exists, we should seek to find a reliable source for the correct understanding. In the scriptures of the holy Bible we find the word antichrist used in a couple of letters containing the writings of the apostle John.The subject of the antichrist must be of huge importance because there are many identifying marks that clearly shows without guessing , everything necessary to keep from being deceived by the enemy.This is surely a matter of life or death, but in the eternal sense. You may be wondering why this pertains so greatly to our eternal destiny. It is without a doubt that after you look at this matter you will know that the primary motive involving antichrist is to keep you from the right relationship with One that holds the key to everlasting life. As we continue to unfold the meaning of this topic , keep in mind what we have already been made aware of and that is the aim , or the goal, or the end desire of the spirit of antichrist. We will now look at a part of scripture that tells us, “every spirit that does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of God, and this is the spirit of the Antichrist which you have heard was coming, and is now already in the world” (see 1st John 4:3).The key to unlock this text is in just one word, ” the”. The right reading of the verse is “the flesh” not “a flesh”. Christ came in “the’ same kind of flesh” as the human beings that He came to save (see Hebrews 2:14,17). There is a teaching that claims that the virgin Mary was born without sin so Jesus did not take for Himself   ” our kind ” of flesh , but “holy flesh” so that He does not make contact with “our” humanity. For this reason, rather than coming to Jesus directly, it is said that we must come through others who must mediate for Him (see 1st Timothy 2:5 ). We should now see that the greater deception is the Antichrist that stands “in the place” of Christ and not one that is outwardly hostile to Him (see Matthew 24:4 ).