Antichrist Exposed pg. 7

We now know that the Sabbath, which Jesus made at the beginning (see Genesis 2 : 1- 3), is a sign that He is really our Lord and Saviour (see Ezekiel 20 : 12 and 20). Because of that fact and knowing the desire of Antichrist to set himself up “in place” of  Jesus, we would do well to look and see how the antichrist system has thought to change God’s times and law (see Daniel 7 : 25). Back during the time of the great falling away spoken about in 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 and attested to in history, there came about a change in the particular day that Christ had blessed and sanctified. In the place of ” the seventh” day and not “a seventh” day there was substituted the Pagan Day set apart for sun worship. This substitution along with many other antichristian tendencies became established in the religious system that Revelation chapter 17 calls “the mother of harlots”. It is called by this name because there are other churches referred to as daughters that are corrupt as well because they continued in the false teachings of the mother rather than in the reform that Jesus instituted to bring His true people back to Him. Because they do not love the truth, that they might be saved ( 2nd Thessalonians 2 : 10), they remain in a state of spiritual confussion. But Jesus by His great mercy calls His people to come out of spiritual Babylon (see Revelation 18 : 4). Every  command that Jesus tells us to keep, He supplies the necessary power and means to accomplish it. It’s there for the asking.