Does the words ” Lord’s day ” in Revelation 1 : 10 mean that there is a new holy day for Christians, namely the first day of the week ( Sunday ) ? Allowing the Bible to interpret its own words, we will notice in Mark 2 : 28, Jesus says ” the Son of man is Lord also of the Sabbath “, and we find in Exodus 20 : 10 , ” the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God “. In verse 11 of Exodus chapter 20 , we see that the Lord ” blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it”, thus making the seventh- day Sabbath a day that would forever be special to God , for we read in 1st Chronicles 17 : 27 , that when the Lord blesses , ” it shall be blessed forever “. Now going all the way back to the 1st week of creation , before mankind had even sinned , we find in Genesis 2 : 3 , where it was at that God made , blessed , and sanctified ( set apart for holy use ) the day in which God says is the seventh – day of the week , which is called Saturday by the English calendar. In order for the first day of the week to have become a part of the new covenant experience , it would have had to be entered in before Jesus died on the cross because after His death , nothing could be added or removed . ( see Hebrews 9 : 16 , 17 ) Another point of interest is that every time a Bible writer mentioned the first day of the week , it was always simply stated by its common distinction as , ” the first day of the week ” which Ezekiel 46 : 1 , says it is one of the six working days . This brings us to the fact that all of the New Testament writings did not come to be written until 20 , 30 , and more years after the cross and the Gospel of John was most likely written near the close of the first century , some 60 years after Christ was crucified , we still see the first day had received no special honor. Lastly , no place in the scriptures do we find Paul coming into any contention pertaining to the first day of the week . If we will remember that when Paul said circumcision was no longer necessary , the people wanted to kill him . How much more would they have desired to kill him if he had told them that one of the 10 commandments , that God wrote with His own finger and was much more deeply rooted , was changed or ended ? Because Revelation 1 : 10, is used in an attempt to nullify the claims of God’s word, this does more in support of God’s seventh – day Sabbath holy day because it reveals the weakness of the case against it.