Romans 14 : 5 ( objection refuted )

Does Romans chapter 14 and verse 5 abolish the Lord’s Day? (see Mark 2 : 28) If we look carefully at verse 1 of this chapter, we will see the two words which help us understand what our text in verse 5 is “not” talking about. The words “doubtful things”  reveals that it is not referring to the Lord’s Day which is so clearly defined in the scriptures from Genesis to Revelation. We find in Genesis chapter 2 : 3 that our Lord pronounced a blessing on the seventh day and sanctified (set apart for Holy use) it. We see His memorial of creation recorded in Exodus 20 : 8 – 11 as the fourth commandment of the Holy moral law which He wrote with His own finger on tables of stone (see Exodus 31 : 18). In Ezekiel 20 : 20 it informs us that His day is a “sign” that we may know the true God. It is His “creative power” that distinguishes Him from all other gods. In Ezekiel 20 : 12 we see that His Sabbath is a “sign” that He is the One that sanctifies us. It is His sanctifying power that makes us fit for the kingdom of heaven. It’s easy to see that there’s nothing doubtful about keeping the Sabbath of God. Even before Christ gave us the law in written form, we notice in Exodus chapter 16 that He performed over 2000 successive weeks worth of miracles pertaining to the Sabbath and the giving of the manna (see 1st Corinthians 10 : 1 – 4). After the incarnation of Christ ,we find Him removing the burdensome restrictions that had been attached to the Sabbath by misguided men.(see Matthew 12 : 1 – 14) In Luke chapter 4 verse 16, we see that it was His custom (usual practice) to attend church on the Sabbath day. The book of Acts chapter 17 and verse 2 shows us that it was Paul’s manner to reason out of the scriptures on the Sabbath. We see numerous texts in the book of Acts on Sabbath worship (see Acts 13 : 14 , 42 ; 16 : 13 ; 17 : 1 , 2 ; 18 : 4) in the early Christian Church. There is one thing that is missing from the scriptures that shows beyond a doubt that God’s Holy Day was not included among those “doubtful things”, and it is the fact that there is “no” mention of any contentions  associated with the Sabbath in the early church. If we will notice  when Paul said that circumcision was no longer necessary, the people wanted to kill him. How much more would they have wanted him dead if he would have told them that the Sabbath was changed or worse yet, that one of the commandments of God’s moral code was ended. The Sabbath was much more deeply rooted than was any part of the ceremonial law. Now coming down closer to the end, we notice in Revelation 14 : 7, a proclamation is made to worship Him who made heaven and earth, the sea and springs of water. These words come directly from the one commandment that points to Jesus as Creator (see Exodus 20 : 11; John 1 : 2 , 3  ; Colossians 1 : 16). We find in Revelation chapter 13, there is a counterfiet sign or mark  being revealed that is soon to be promoted, through civil legislation, by that great masterpiece of deception whose followers will receive the final plagues. Revelation chapter 14 : 12 describes those who do not receive the plagues. It says that they keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus. Because Romans 14 : 5, is used in an attempt to explain away God’s holy appointment, this does more in support of God’s seventh – day Sabbath because it shows just how weak the case against it really is.