Sunday Sacredness

(The Breach In The New Covenant) In the outset of this presentation it is sincerely expressed that this is only a warning against deception, and not an attack against any human being on this planet. It was on the seventh and final day of creation week that our Creator ceased from His work in the making of this world. As an everlasting blessing, God set aside a special appointment for all people that would ever exist. It would be a time of communion and fellowship with Him in a unique fashion. Just as God was in the bush that burned with fire, and yet the bush was not consumed, so was He to ever be in the Seventh day for all of time and eternity. It is because of “His presence” in the Seventh day that it is rightly said that the Seventh day is blessed and made holy. But there is someone that is in opposition to our great Creator and the things that He has established. From the beginning of apostasy there has been one whose goal is to receive the adoration and worship that belongs only to Christ. Throughout the history of humanity the great adversary has employed earthly kingdoms to accomplish his desire of spiritual control. From “ancient Babylon” to the worldwide system of  present day “spiritual Babylon” anyone can see the diabolical methods that have been used to control  consciences in matters of worship.They have been everything from subtle sophistries to cruel measures. At the present time, Antichrist masquerades as benevolent to trap unsuspecting victims in a snare that will be difficult to escape. If there were ever two lessons to be learned from the old covenant experience, it is that we not rely upon our own strength to resist temptation and we must choose not to live according to the evil one. By attempting to exalt a day other than the one sanctified by our Lord, we are not only choosing a counterfiet, but we are making of no effect the need to trust God and rely on His power to resist sin. Because we are refusing to allow Christ to write His law upon our heart, we could never know the new covenant reality. If it would have been possible to correct something that was already perfect, it would have had to be accomplished before Jesus ratified the new covenant with His blood. In the new covenant it is Christ that writes His law in our hearts. (see Genesis 2 : 1 – 3 ; Isaiah 66 : 23 ; Exodus 3 : 2 – 5 ; Isaiah 58 : 13 ; Revelation 12 : 4 ; Jeremiah 31 : 33 ; Hebrews 10 : 16 ; Revelation 18 : 4 ; John 14 :15)